The mistake was compounded when geographic coordinates for the embassy, derived from aerial reconnaissance photographs, were plugged into the bombs' navigational system, officials said.
They carried small bomb loads and their primary objective was the securing of nighttime reconnaissance photographs.
Your landing sites have all been selected following extensive study of reconnaissance photographs, taken especially by French Air Force surveillance aircraft.
McLanahan remembered back to Elliott's first briefing on the Kavaznya site, when he passed around early reconnaissance photographs of the complex.
None of us in the press office were privy to the fact that five days earlier, aerial reconnaissance photographs had revealed Soviet missiles in Cuba.
They worked with codes and ciphers, analysed reconnaissance photographs, and performed intelligence operations.
Under pressure, Baltar picks a random spot on a reconnaissance photograph of the facility and tells them to bomb there.
It wasn't until they were about ten feet off the ground that they all noticed something that hadn't shown up in any of Harvath's reconnaissance photographs.
What are new are the reconnaissance photographs and a tip from a witness who knew of the mass graves, Administration officials said.
But Poett would not allow him to take away his orders, the reconnaissance photographs, maps, or even notes.