Wooden pegs were placed in the holes of the clay tablet to record features found in a sacrificed animal's liver.
In some instances his drawings were inaccurate, however for Krak des Chavaliers they record features which have since been lost.
Once it has recorded features of the sequence of parses, the algorithm continues:
Although they recorded lost features, they were decorated in a way that celebrated the life of the deceased.
Dall returned to Alaska many times, recording and naming geological features.
It records the basic shapes and features of each building in a bright swath of outlines and color that fills the middle register of the paper.
The Egyptian idealized portraiture is not meant to record individualized features, but instead proclaim the divine nature of Egyptian kingship.
All the archaeologist can do on the line of this new road is to hurriedly record features and salvage finds.
The Joey Dee and the Starliters recording features in the film American Graffiti (1973).
Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903), built his own very large reflecting telescopes and demonstrated that photography could record astronomical features invisible to the human eye.