In 2001, the Government of Pakistan reduced ship-breaking duties from 15% to 10% and offered further incentives if industry activity improved.
It was argued that the loss occasioned by reducing duties on 769 of some 1200 durable articles would be covered by increased trade and production.
The most-favored-nation listing sharply reduces tariffs and duties charged on products originating in China.
The market for smuggled liquor thrives, too - another reason the government should further reduce duties, the foreign alcoholic beverage companies say.
Many foreign companies manipulate their pricing to reduce taxes and other duties.
The agreement clears the way for a new accord to reduce import barriers and duties on products like nuts, coffee and spices.
Problem Grows In the past, corruption problems in customs centered on officers at seaports and airports who accepted payoffs to reduce duties or admit contraband.
The government has twice announced plans to reduce or end its military presence in Chechnya, turning over most duties to the local police and militia.
I would note the costs resulting from combating climate change and the measures aimed at reducing or eliminating duties.
We want environmental taxes in order to reduce taxes and duties in other areas.