The monastery is referred to in a letter by Paul of Xiropotamou dating from 1016.
He refers to Dumbarton in a letter written in 7 July 1787.
His children included a daughter Sarah, referred to in a letter.
In November 1929 he referred to Gandhi's statement again in a letter to the king explaining his dominion status policy.
By 11 September that year, he referred to them in a letter to his cousin Oliver St. John as a "lovely company".
He received distinctly double-edged congratulations from Peter of Blois, who refers in a letter to his "humble birth".
Carpaccio refers with pride, in a letter to the Marquis of Mantua, to a view of Jerusalem which he had painted.
She was highly regarded in the household and Lewis referred to her in a letter as "without exception the most selfless person I have ever known."
The novelist Ivan Turgenev referred to the Tale in a personal letter, calling it "an extraordinarily remarkable work.