The Iranians had agreed to "help" with the War in Afghanistan, including sharing information regarding potential attacks, although they declined the offer.
On July 18, 2001, the State Department provided a warning to the public regarding possible terrorist attacks in the Arabian Peninsula.
Data regarding attacks on humans is limited, but occurrences are likely rare given the species very small distribution area and separation from human populations.
The threat posed by the German squadron, caused concerns regarding attacks on merchant shipping in the region.
News arrived on 18 June regarding attacks on foreign legations.
Israeli security forces continued to gather intelligence regarding pending terrorist attacks originating from PA control.
Concerns have also been raised regarding attacks involving nuclear weapons.
There was also concern regarding attacks against refugees who voluntarily wish to return to Rwanda and the situation in the refugee camps.
Members insist that they respect Mr. Arafat but do not take their orders regarding attacks from him.
That same day, chatter regarding terrorist attacks caused the Pentagon to pull U.S. Navy ships out of Bahrain.