Many mbuna cichlids are regularly stocked and sold by pet shops.
Fish are regularly stocked from May - August and freezes over the winter.
The lake is regularly stocked with fish, including rainbow trout, sunfish and channel catfish.
They are regularly stocked with rainbow and brown trout, and fish of up to 6lb 12 oz have been caught in recent years.
All three are noted for their fly-fishing and are regularly stocked by the provincial wildlife service.
The lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout and thus a common destination for local anglers.
It was regularly stocked with fish prior to its closure to the public.
The lough is a well known fishing location and is regularly stocked with trout.
The lake is also a popular fishing lake and is regularly stocked.
The lake is regularly stocked with catfish, bass, bluegill, and trout during the winter months.