On November 19, 1919, the Senate rejected a peace treaty for the first time in its History.
Then, just before the school year ended, local voters rejected the school budget for the 10th time in 13 years.
Congress rejected the Commission's recommendations for the first time in the Commission's history.
The House rejected the provision for the second time and passed another version of the bill, after which the Senate concurred.
When he rejects her for the last time, she moves unswervingly on her course of vengeance.
Already, the leading contenders are making plans to reject public financing in the primary and general election campaigns for the first time since Watergate.
The machine had rejected the youngster's card for the third time.
Now they were rejecting me for the first time.
Now, one of your Commissioners has been rejected for the first time.
On Monday, the Juilliard School rejected her for the second time.