During voluntary exhalation, air is held in the lungs and released at a fixed rate.
However, videos are released at a rate of only 3 - 4 a year, due to his exacting production standards.
(1978), and they have released a studio album at a rate of almost one a year since 1979.
But smaller black holes evaporate faster, and near the end of their lives release heat at a spectacular rate.
The missions are released at an approximate rate of one every week when the site is updated.
Each arcade game was released at a rate per year.
Other productions are often one-offs or released at a much slower rate.
In this period, Kuepper was releasing new albums at a rate of roughly three a year.
The remaining sixteen coins are being released at a rate of two per year through 2013.
A number of short films were released at a slow rate by other artists as well.