While still on the visit, the Cardinal released a letter supporting the move.
Layton's family released an open letter, written by Layton two days before his death.
On Aug. 6, the three released a letter they had written calling for an immediate cease-fire.
Mr. Simon's campaign released a letter that described the reported transaction.
Also yesterday, the authority released several letters that revealed the intensity and complexity of its negotiations with the Army.
But his office released a letter in which he told the party's leaders that the measure was "undemocratic" and "divisive."
On September 8, 2010, the band released a letter explaining the split:
Morse later released a letter reporting what he experienced that day:
After the incident Hopkins released a letter of apology, giving her reasons for the slurs.
Yesterday, he released an "open letter" to the city's religious leaders, appealing for their help in keeping Monday's opening day of school calm and orderly.