These are two of the conditions that New Jersey courts require before allowing such donations by inmates of state prisons.
BT and O2 also offer networks of hotspots, but currently the require more personal data before allowing users to log on.
Some schools have attempted to require treatment with medications before allowing a child to attend school.
She and Andrew T. Berry, another defense lawyer, urged the court to require judges to preview such evidence before allowing a jury to hear it.
Military checkpoints at the entry and exit to all towns usually require sight of identity documents before allowing travel onward.
Some resorts and hotels may also require the same documentation before allowing your pet to stay there.
Both parties split over Mr. Cochran's amendment to require a safety certification before allowing large-scale drug imports.
The proposals require a total withdrawal of Yugoslav security forces from Kosovo before allowing several hundred to return in a symbolic manner.
Most countries require a negative test result before allowing an imported horse into the country.
Lone parents travelling with children should be aware that some countries require documentary evidence of parental responsibility before allowing them travel.