This perceived choice (presented throughout the research method) is designed to score a participant and categorize that participant according to their respective score.
The designers then pick their models in sequence, based upon their respective scores in the previous design competition.
For example, in such games as Pac-man or Mario, player picking up power-ups triggered respective musical scores.
Any veteran with a passing grade on the civil service exam must be placed ahead of a nonveteran, regardless of their respective scores.
Then sum the answers to the four items for each respective subscale score, and divide each by 4.
It was generally well received by critics, with respective scores of 71% and 71.64% from review aggregators Metacritic and Game Rankings.
Junior disengaged the heel from the Gray's wing bone, and we retreated to our respective scores for a thirty-second rest.
Holding our gamecocks at arm's length, we passed them in the air with a circling movement and retreated to our respective eight-foot scores.
Before the round commences, the poets guess what the cumulative total of their respective scores will be.
Additionally (beginning with Week 9), timeout indicators were added below each team's respective scores.