So when live races resumed tonight for the first time in 18 months, the expectations were considerably more modest.
Vick resumed practice last week for the first time since breaking his leg during a preseason game three months ago.
There has, however, been suggestion that daily services will resume from around Easter 2010 for the first time since August 2004.
Flights resumed for the third time in April 2006.
Testing was resumed for the first time after the probe on 7 October 2010.
On March 2, 2002, 240 workers resumed production for the first time without Zanon management supervision.
On March 28 such flights were resumed for the first time since the outbreak of war in the Gulf.
Sunday services resumed in 1926 for the first time in over 50 years.
Talks resumed for the first time since some 300,000 miners walked off the job at gold and coal mines 16 days ago.
The United States resumed tritium production in 2003 for the first time in 15 years.