The initial reverse type for gold coins was the shield and crown motif, supplemented on the sovereign with a heraldic wreath.
The economic rebalancing the Tory/Libs are enabling is of a Robin Hood in reverse type.
The reverse type was equally universal, featuring the spirit (or genius) of the Romans.
The reverse types of coins of the late Empire emphasized general themes, and discontinued the more specific personifications depicted previously.
I still don't know if these films serve to generate a national pride here or merely a reverse type of narcissism, a reaffirmation of our inferiority.
These reverse types often symbolically represent the subordination of recently conquered territories to Roman authority.
For the most part the coinage was non-portrait and simple in design, though some mints in English Mercia struck an interesting series of pictorial reverse types.
Verso: The early coinage of Louis XV has a variety of rapidly changing reverse types.
Sestertii are highly valued by numismatists, since their large size gave caelatores (engravers) a large area in which to produce detailed portraits and reverse types.
Some substrates cause an opposite change in spectral properties, a "reverse type I" spectrum, by processes that are as yet unclear.