Former members have gone on to become leaders in many different fields and endeavors, maintaining a sense of right livelihood and a commitment to the betterment of the world.
Businesses, said to operate to the principle of "right livelihood", generate funds for the movement, as well seeking to provide environments for spiritual growth through employment.
Promoting compassion and right livelihood must extend beyond ideals; we have to walk the talk and physically represent our values.
"Suddenly, I felt that auctioneering was no longer the right livelihood for me, according to Buddhist principles."
The part of the Noble Eightfold path that covers morality/ethics is right speech, right action and right livelihood.
That must be something like discovering your "right livelihood."
Having the right livelihood: doing the kind of job where right action can be practised without compromise.
Right action will lead to the arising of right livelihood.
With mindful listening, right speech, right livelihood, we can also help others.
We wanted to become economically self-sufficent and wanted the 'right' livelihood.