In 2010, George Berger, an executive assistant who worked for her in 2005 brought her before a human rights tribunal claiming harassment and discrimination during his employment.
They also have jurisdiction of judicial review over administrative decisions by provincial or territorial government entities such as labour boards, human rights tribunals and licensing authorities.
Tonight her parents and lawyer said they would appeal to the Peruvian Supreme Court and international human rights tribunals.
The party's gubernatorial candidate, Emilio Goicoechea, said he would also take complaints about the election to international human rights tribunals and foreign rights groups.
He said he would consult with Ms. Berenson's family and might appeal to international human rights tribunals, including that of the United Nations.
Also tried in the human rights tribunal were over a dozen Indonesian military and police officers.
She has also been recognized by the Canadian courts and human rights tribunals as an expert on hate groups, hate group activity, discrimination, racism and antisemitism.
Since Canada opened its infantry course to women in 1989, under orders from a human rights tribunal, only one of 102 women has passed.
Complaints can be filed directly with the province's human rights tribunal.
However, in 2012, a human rights tribunal ruled that the Ambassadors did not discriminate against the homeless.