The line of play that generates the best score averaged over all samples is selected as the optimal play.
These scores were weighted and averaged, yielding our final results.
House members' scores averaged 94 percent, equaling their 1989 record, which was the highest since Congressional Quarterly started counting.
On the SAT reasoning tests, scores last year averaged 484 on the verbal section and 489 for math, the school reported.
Mental scores averaged 113 for those using walkers that blocked views of the feet, while babies who did not use walkers had an average score of 123.
On last year's College Board tests, Perth Amboy High students' combined verbal and math scores averaged 863, compared with a state average of 1012.
The scores of Union Township third graders average at a fifth-grade reading level on the California Achievement Test, the superintendent said.
A study of the class of 1989 at Rutgers College showed a similar pattern, but there the women's combined scores averaged 59 points below the men's.
Aggregate scores averaged in the 60% range for both platforms at websites GameRankings and Metacritic.
On the intelligence tests, their scores averaged more than 15 points lower than the other children in the study, but their results were excluded from the sample used for comparison.