The bigger the population the bigger the percentage of semiskilled and transient workers.
The survey also indicated that it was not much easier for employers to find semiskilled workers.
But the years of layoffs at G.E. have eliminated nearly all semiskilled workers hired since 1979.
Until the twenties, all condoms were individually hand-dipped by semiskilled workers.
ITT has only two categories of semiskilled workers in Asheville, and skilled workers are on salary.
But what about the human semiskilled workers you Harathon have employed?
Wages are also low, thanks to a constant flow of semiskilled migrant workers from even poorer provinces in China's interior.
We keep a handle on prices by ordering in volume and we teach a constant parade of semiskilled workers how to do the job.
It is also the only building system of its type that can be produced and assembled on the site by semiskilled workers.
Arriving from Byelorussia, he ventured into business, failed and spent the rest of his life as a semiskilled worker in a garment-district sweatshop.