Rain streams along their sides, and small rivulets send loose rocks down.
But today's blast sent rocks raining down on an area stretching to the northeast, toward Shimabara, which has a population of 45,000.
Another explosion rang out as they stepped from the ship, sending rocks clattering over the hull.
If Moonbase put all its effort into survival, they wouldn't have the resources to keep sending us rocks and metal and hydrogen.
Lightning flashed about them, striking the mountains, sending rocks tumbling.
Khrest's heart beat faster as he gingerly moved forward, being careful not to send rocks or loose soil down the hill.
And high above us, on both sides, the Nadir sent rocks and boulders down upon us.
She kicked at the dirt, sending rocks skittering.
More than once Blade's probing staff sent apparently secure rocks the size of his head leaping out of place and down the slope.
Desperately distressed, I dug frantically into the rubble, sending huge rocks flying this way and that.