In April 2012 the service completed procedures to become an independent, charitable trust in a move encouraged and supported by the local council.
As part of its public argument, the service has encouraged several of its past heroes to speak out.
This client-based service encourages clients to develop skills that could lead to future job skills.
In this chapter we have discussed the main ways in which social services encouraged economic growth.
In fact, the service recently encouraged illegal immigrants to report tips on terrorists and anthrax scares without fear of being caught.
Foster health care education and services that encourage men of all ages to implement positive lifestyles for themselves and their families.
Only one student thought these services might actually encourage teen-agers to have babies.
The service also encourages use by members of the public outside the university community.
Other critics claimed that the service encourages plagiarism.
Those services encourage customers to spend, and are contrary to the focus on saving.