By not requiring Generali to disclose the names of policyholders, the settlement amounts to a cover-up.
The settlement in 1999 amounted to an average of less than $200,000 per victim, compared with a prospective $10 million per victim for the victims of the Lockerbie bombing.
The settlement amounts to a 10.2 percent raise over three years.
In all, the settlements amounted to $39 million, of which $19 million is covered in the indictment.
It is debatable whether a settlement of a lawsuit, under which Goldman did not admit wrongdoing, amounts to a "penalty."
The settlement amounted to $3 million most of which will be put toward an environmental study.
Last month a structured settlement awarded to a brain damaged child amounted to £4.8 million.
He was preparing to testify before a Senate committee on Thursday that the proposed settlement amounted to a bailout of the tobacco industry and would not significantly reduce minors' use of tobacco.
The settlement amounted to upwards of $5 billion dollars.
European settlement in central Canada was quite limited before 1788, amounting to only a few families, but it began growing quickly in the aftermath of the American Revolution.