Early settlers relied on farming, fishing, sailing, and shipbuilding for their livings; pirates sought haven there, too.
Early settlers relied heavily upon an agriculturally based economy, with included dairying, poultry and potato crops.
She indicated that the settlers also relied on fish for their diet.
In this myth, Captain Cook introduced 'Cook's Law', upon which the settlers rely.
These settlers often relied on local Native American residents who lived on the West Bank and were more adept at living in the area.
Buck - Early settlers in North America relied heavily on the skin of the deer for trade.
The settlers relied on fishing as the mainstay of their economy but also farmed where the soil was fertile.
Early settlers relied on hunting, fishing, and trapping, as well as foraging to supplement their diets and incomes.
The early settlers relied on the knowledge and help of the local First Nations people.
The first settler of what is now Canada relied on First Nations, for resources and trade to sustain a living.