The problem, however, is that the systems cannot share data.
I am ready to share with you data and results of this exercise.
We will only share your data with a third party where you have given permission.
He says, I'll share all my data and paper after it's complete.
I'm linked to your home computer, so I can share data with it.
It provides an easy way to share data with other researchers.
Most countries share data with the rest of the world through international agreements.
What about sharing financial data having nothing to do with medical records?
She said they spoke only generally about their decision to test market the new technology and did not share technical data.
It also allows the instruments to work together, since they share data.
The financial statements, except per share data, have been restated in conformity with generally accepted accounting practice to include the accounts of East New York Savings Bank, acquired by First Empire in December 1987.
This is widely accepted in the industry, as real estate values tend to increase rather than decrease over time, and many data sites report earnings per share data using FFO.
The company said 1988 share data are restated for a 50 percent stock distribution in September 1989.
ASEA All dollar amounts in millions, except earnings per share data.
LEAD: *3*** COMPANY REPORTS ** *3* Crest Industries (OTC) Qtr to June 30 Sales 25,468,396 20,498,115 Net inc 850,247 1,356,452 Share earns .42 Crest Industries completed its initial public offering in July 1990 so year-ago share data is not available.
HRM Self Service Suite: personalized, secure portals to review expenses, pay and benefits, personal profiles, attendance records, recruitment, promotion and training opportunities, enter holiday requests as well as share selected data across the organization.
AT A GLANCE All dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data.
Modal share data is usually obtained by travel surveys, which are often conducted by local governments, using different methodologies.
Built using WPF, it can be used to manage data from various data sources including web, file system, portable devices, e-mail stores as well as share data between disparate data sources.