She cited at least two possible exceptions to sharing evidence.
The defense lawyers say, too, that the district attorney refused to meet when they tried to share evidence that supported their clients.
An evidence pool is used by debate teams to share "cards" and evidence for a policy debate.
Sharing evidence and discussing findings with others underscores that learning is a social process.
They will share evidence and witnesses and may overlap.
As different officials and eyewitnesses gave different accounts, the footage helped us share emerging photographic evidence with the audience.
Sharing evidence with lawyers who have security clearance has worked in other terrorism cases and is the right way to proceed here.
He hired a detective to find the killer but said the New Haven police refused to share evidence with the investigator.
He repeatedly scolded prosecutors for refusing to share evidence with the defense.
They share evidence with members to help them to innovate in order to be better in what they do.