Order in bulk when you can, and choose slower, less expensive shipping methods when possible.
This beat the overnight shipping method by 2 days in most cases.
Your certified order will be sent by your indicated shipping method and normally takes 5-7 business days.
Select the shipping method you prefer, then click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.
The Portable Modular Data Center loaded with computer equipment can be transported using standard shipping methods.
In 2004, Tropicana's rail fleet of 514 cars traveled over 35 million miles - a method that is three times more fuel efficient than other shipping methods.
A shipping method is by evaluating three factors: time, cost, and product characteristics.
The Bakufu relied heavily on Dutch expertise to learn about modern Western shipping methods.
"They've helped open our eyes to other shipping methods."
They also negotiate with local companies in Costa Rica to produce the school uniforms rather than using expensive shipping methods to transfer them.