There is a significant parallel with the set of values inherent in the study and experience of literature.
A number of its staff have left to form other companies, often with significant parallels with Arup.
There are significant parallels between Janacek and his great student.
It is this widespread struggle for personal aggrandisement that constitutes the most significant parallel between all the 'winter' periods in the civilizations of recorded history.
Numerous scholars have identified the significant parallels between View of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon.
However, as we shall see, there are significant differences as well as significant parallels with the homosexual and bisexual experiences.
Notice that Oliver Twist has many significant parallels in action and images like this one.
While not allegorical, Narnia does present significant parallels with elements from Christianity.
They are generally agreed that the fox chase has significant parallels to the third seduction scene, in which Gawain accepts the girdle from Bertilak's wife.
These texts show significant parallels to Biblical Hebrew literature, particularly in the areas of divine imagery and poetic form.