The Terminator franchise similarly features a post-nuclear war world where killer robots develop newer models that appear fully human.
Flibbertigibbet similarly features as a name in a local legend around Wayland's Smithy.
Schildt's book The Art of C++ similarly features an interpreter for a language called Mini-C++.
Paintings and drawings from across Europe over a range of centuries feature similarly spotted horses.
The second gatehouse, Mill Gate, was designed to allow access to the royal watermill that lay just outside the main town, and similarly features twin protective towers.
Its popularity have spawned a global movement with over 100 Cycle Chic blogs featuring similarly themed photography from other cities and areas around the world.
It similarly featured Judd as a back-up dancer.
The next stories feature similarly monstrous crimes.
But apparently it's enough to have caused the Jitney to introduce its Ambassador line, which features similarly supersized seats and amenities.
The 1934 Wilfred's Annual similarly featured a Pantomime cut-out insert.