Brawl sounds similar to ball and is spelled similarly, allowing for an easy substitution.
Words in different languages with the same meaning which are spelled similarly are called cognates.
If no exact match is found, lists of similarly spelled words are offered for selection and the process of matching begins there.
The Arabic word for "blood" (دم) is spelled similarly, but without an alif.
It has no connection with the mammal, spelled similarly: as late as the 1870s, the alternative spelling Bagsore was current.
For the similarly spelled Christian movement, see Arathi.
Almodovar or similarly spelled names may refer to:
It differs from the similarly spelled yucca, an unrelated fruit-bearing shrub in the Asparagaceae family.
Parady is not related to his predecessor, Rick Pardy, despite their similarly spelled surnames.
See Echelon for similarly spelled alternatives.