Perhaps some schoolmistress is responsible or perhaps the antique earth simply consumed them whole.
During the winter months (December through February) construction stops, and workers simply consume the food supplies.
The preparations consumed days simply because many round trips of the ship's boats were necessary to embark them.
Simply consuming multitudes of different minerals and vitamins may actually do more harm than good.
Or can a house be green by simply consuming less energy and water?
One of the key principles of sustainability in business is simply consuming less.
Perhaps most significantly, broadband users are far more probable to contribute material of their own to cyberspace, rather than simply consuming what is out there.
In its strictest definition, fill characters cause no action to be performed at all; they simply consume time.
Cost savings: Conserving energy, reducing waste, purchasing local products, and simply consuming less can save money.
So many of us simply consume the images and lyrics of this music without thinking about what it all means.