His latest album, "Frank Sinatra Duets," a compilation of songs recorded with mostly younger singers, ranging from Aretha Franklin to Bono of the rock group U2, has drawn rave reviews and is expected to the best seller of his entire career.
But the main event is Sunday's gala, with 13 singers ranging from up-and-comers like Twyla J. Robinson to luminaries like Barbara Cook, Thomas Quasthoff, Audra McDonald and Olga Borodina.
Dozens have become hits, not only for her but for singers ranging from Emmylou Harris to Whitney Houston.
The huge sound unleashed at a recent choir rehearsal at the Doles Community Center here came from singers ranging from age 16 to 65.
Soon after, Mr. Badalamenti was hired by a small music publishing company in Times Square and began to earn a living arranging and writing jingles and songs for singers ranging from Shirley Bassey to Mel Tillis.
The event, titled "Teroris, Pentas Musik 50 Jam" ("Terrorist, 50-hour Music Performance") and held at Rumah Nusantara cafe and gallery in northern Bandung, featured hundreds of singers ranging from the well known to street artists.
Those releases, produced by Phil Ramone, paired Sinatra with singers ranging from Barbra Streisand to Bono, and technology played a big part in bringing them together.
The group is composed of talented singers, dancers, musicians and stagehands ranging in age from 10 to 18.
The group consists of 23 singers ranging in age from 20-35.
By 2 P.M., she was with her voice teacher, Joan Lader, who works with singers ranging from Roberta Flack to Dawn Upshaw.