Her son, Ben Padarath, also contested the 2006 election, but as a candidate of the National Alliance Party of Fiji.
Magnus's son, Canute V, contested the Danish throne with his second cousin, Svend III.
Yadav's son, Vikas Yadav, had contested the 2002 Uttar Pradesh state assembly elections and lost.
His son, Neil Blaney successfully contested one by-election to succeed his father and 14 subsequent general elections.
In the event the constituency chose Malcolm MacDonald the son of the Prime Minister to contest the by-election.
The son of the couple contested for the Khmer throne and became Suryavarman I, thus bringing Lavo under Khmer domination through personal union.
'As far as I can tell,' Scathach said, 'father and son contested the love of the girl -'
Another adopted son, Uesugi Kagetora, who was originally of the Hojo family, contested Kagekatsu's claim.
Her plan was for him to attend Fork Union, a decision her son contested bitterly and creatively.
However, on the elder Manfred's death in 1330, his eldest son, Frederick, contested the throne and a civil war broke out.