The development of an offshoot of the species characterized by densely bearded males is an adaptive response to cold climates.
The true dolphin is a mammal, any one of about 33 species of cetacean mammals in the family Delphinidae, characterized by a pronounced beak-shaped mouth.
Psilocybe authority Gastón Guzmán classified the species in the section Semilanceatae, a grouping of related species characterized by having roughly ellipsoid, usually thick-walled spores, and lacking pleurocystidia.
Eudicotyledonae, about 175,000 species, characterized by 4- or 5-merous flowers, pollen with three pores, and usually branching-veined leaves-for example sunflowers, petunia, buttercup, apples, and oaks.
This genus includes two extant species characterized by a short nose, rough spiny dermal denticles, no anal fin, and two small spineless dorsal fins.
In taxonomy, Haswell identifies species characterized by William Aitcheson Haswell, also the namesake of:
The genus Laurilia has species characterized by an even to tuberculate hymenial surface, dimitic hyphal system, and echinulate basidiospores.
Cephalotes fossithorax is a species of arboreal ant of the genus Cephalotes, characterized by an odd shaped head and the ability to "parachute" by steering during a fall.
It is a robust species, characterized by clear (not yellowish) transparent wings with black borders and crimson red legs.
It is an unmistakable species, characterized by three continuous dark green dorsal lines extending from the anterior edge of the mesothorax to the tip of the abdomen.