Olea oleaster, a species related to the cultivated olive tree (family Oleaceae)
They confirmed that O. gorgasi is a distinct species related to the O. palustris group.
It is an uncommon species related to pipefishes and seahorses.
Dinosaurs from a species related to the Velociraptor have been found to have had a poisonous bite.
Laboratory studies have confirmed that species related to bitter melon have antimalarial activity, though human studies have not yet been published.
The genus Kerodon contains two species of South American rock cavies related to capybaras.
Alexandrium is a genus of dinoflagellates, with many species related to toxin production leading to Paralytic shellfish poisoning.
The first such leaf, recovered in 1988 from soft shale in northern Idaho, was that of an ancient species related to modern magnolia.
In more recent sediments, the group found species related to modern rodents, porcupines, rhinoceroses and camels.
Rich fossil deposits are also preserved here, documenting for example ancient species related to songbirds, as well as an ancestral pelican.