The magazine's staff also travels abroad on annual research trips.
In the course of their audits, Mr. Funk's staff travels to about 120 foreign posts a year.
Rep. Schilling's staff regularly travels throughout the 17th Congressional District to meet with constituents and address any questions or concerns they may have.
He and his staff also travel widely at the expense of financial services companies and their lobbyists.
To facilitate this arrangement, staff travelled between the sites during the school day, although the students remained on a single site.
The show's staff also travels around the country for contestant searches; they generally get to New York once a year.
Occasionally, the undergraduate staff will travel to a non-conference away game.
Yet Katanov is specifically instructing that the two of you fly together in one chopper, while your staff travels separately in the second.
A touring staff travels with the train.
Mogaba and his staff traveled three quarters of the way toward the rear of the column.