It is a state federation's responsibility to organize and implement activities for state-wide campaigns.
The state federation executed 200,000 phone calls, distributed 65,000 worksite fliers and knocked on 7,000 doors.
One union had already disaffiliated from the state federation, and two more were threatening to do so.
It is currently formed by 14 state federations.
Jurisdiction tends to be geo-political: Each state or territory has its own "state federation."
In short, the state federation declared, it believed that "individuals should take a stand on the abortion issue but that our party should not."
The state federation is the second largest in the country, overseeing 360 clubs with almost 17,900 members.
It is the first state federation to adopt such a name change.
Also, each state federation organizes its own state championship.
Jim Albright, executive vice president of the union's state federation, said no such mailing had been done this time and so far none is planned.