Since I know it will vary with the manufacturer, how can one test how much iron is in a steel object?
But then a rain of small, glittering steel objects impacted on the invisible wall and shattered it.
He looked at the two steel objects lying on the deck-plates beside Stephen.
Hassan took cover behind a large, stainless steel object, an oven or an autoclave.
Desirable steel objects and blankets were at first traded for fish.
The species tends to live on steel objects and is seldom seen on vegetation.
He felt the heavy steel object in his hand, then heard the footsteps across the carpet.
The steel object accounted for the fact that Saybrook had not been able to raise the barrier.
Men afraid of the unknown would be unlikely to notice or question the innocent looking circular steel objects stuck to the hull.
The inductance will be much larger because of the large steel object positioned in the loop's magnetic field.