Terraces look like giant steps carved out of the cliff side, and just beyond them are the granite-block dwellings and temples of the ancient Incas.
Below, uneven steps carved out of the cliff led down to a small sandy cove.
Down a twisting passageway he went, narrow steps carved from the living rock, down and down.
The site is located beside a tributary of the Rio Salado, while steps and chambers carved into the rock on the peak above perhaps belonged to a shrine.
It is incredibly steep with steps carved into the rock and a distinctly tough-going pathway.
The downpour made a loud roar on the tin roofs, gushed through the alleys and left the steps carved into the rock face impassable with debris.
He varies these steps carving and cutting away the acrylic for different results.
Some of the unusual formations seen within the petroglyphs on Ometepe include seats or steps carved into boulders, ovals, and big grooves.
Even today, the steps carved into the rock are still visible.
It leans against a mountain, with steps to the second floor carved into the rock.