At length I found, as it were, a crack in the stone thrice as wide as a man can jump, and in length half a spear's throw, and near this crack stood great stones blackened by fire, and beneath them broken pots and a knife of flint.
Five black lines, each a fingernail's width in depth, had been scored in the granite above where the leaf had been, radiating out from a small pit in the stone, also blackened.
The altar is a slab of dark stone, blackened by flame.
Grauel remained crouched over a circle of stones blackened on one side.
Returning from drear Hell, He chose a lonely seat of unhewn stone, Blackened with lichens, on a herbless plain.
Along the north bank, the crisp light was sharpening the noble outlines of majestic buildings, although it could do very little for stone blackened by the soot of ages.
The walls of the outer fortress still stood, although breached in places, their stone blackened by the dragons' lightning bolts.
Shiv stopped to look at tumbled stones blackened with fire.