Stress can come from outside, such as family, friends, and school.
Building a strong social support system by developing positive relationships with other people, such as family members, friends, and doctors.
These shades were inspired by several shows such as "Friends".
All other needs, even basic ones, such as food and friends, become unimportant.
He can communicate with other animals, such as his best friend, Caroline.
The article did not mention the woman's name, but readers - such as friends and family - knew who it was anyway.
This can be done through various sources such as family, friends, media, education and part-time employment.
Usually criminals do not function individually, they are always involved in some type of network such as family or friends.
His music is based more often than not on personal issues such as work, family, friends, and his spirituality.
This includes information such as name, email, hometown, interests, activities and friends.