Unlike other sports - such as track, where an 800-meter event is run over a measured course - yacht racing involves a number of variables.
However, some of the schools wanted him for other reasons such as track or basketball, primarily from the Montana schools.
Reviews include information such as source, quality, track listing and packaging.
The national sevens team had also drawn a number of crossover athletes from other sports, such as football and track.
Both high schools in Perth also offer a variety of other sports, such as basketball, football, soccer and track.
Golf is different from other individual sports, such as tennis, bowling, track and field.
Nigeria is also involved in other sports such as basketball, cricket and track and field.
He also covered many other sports, such as hockey, tennis, track and field and golf.
They also have individual sports, such as cross-country running and track & field.
The following season (2008-09) competition began in a limited number of other sports such as track and field, cross country and golf.