Tasted blood from a sudden cut on his cheek.
"However, we think it is unwise to make sudden, drastic cuts to programs absent a more thorough technical review."
Another street lay before him, a sudden cut of long emptiness and a chain of green traffic lights strung out to the horizon.
As such, there is no iris-out, but instead a sudden cut to black.
That, or they hadn't anticipated my sudden cut back to the left.
The recorded song had a dead stop, or sudden cut to silence, placed near the end.
The sudden cut in rates certainly puts to rest any conflict that may have existed among Fed members over monetary policy.
Wills are kept current, insurance updated and arrangements made for their families to cope with a sudden cut in income.
No single, sudden cut but a long, drawn out torturous disfigurement.
Kulenty seldom used sudden textural cuts and shifts in this period.