One day time would slip past too fast and summer would find him unprepared.
The following summer found the 93rd on its way to India, where the laurels gained in the Crimea were to be more than doubled.
The summer of 2011 found him in Zalaegerszeg again where he returned after a rather unsuccessful Turkish experience.
The summer of 1894 found Mark Twain in the proper frame of mind for literary work.
But this summer finds all three groups unhappy with their bosses and ready to do something about it.
High summer found Hap and me just as it had found us for the last seven years.
That summer of 1974 found St. Paul's with 53 employees and 800 students.
Unfortunately, that summer would find the city of Elmira deep in a flood that ruined the season.
But this summer I found something that interests me a lot more.