After all you can't sell the countryside on the supermarket shelf.
Also, reported on the 5 May 2005, the dye was found in 35 products which have now been taken off supermarket shelves.
The current obsession with quality has changed the appearance of supermarket shelves.
Of one hundred new food product ideas that are considered, only six make it to a supermarket shelf.
It also helps products stay fresh longer on supermarket shelves.
In three days, there would be no food on the supermarket shelves.
Within two years, he expects such meat to be on supermarket shelves.
Are they members of the public who might find your product on a supermarket shelf and use it in their home?
The 10 largest food companies account for more than half of all products on supermarket shelves.
So what new foods can you expect to see next on your supermarket shelves?