Some prominent economists who support cost-benefit analysis, while recognizing its limitations, agree on the pitfalls of judicial review.
Not all statistical packages support Post-hoc analysis for Friedman's test.
It supports the design and analysis of software business models.
JTS is designed to support the modeling, analysis, implementation, and testing of the protocol for an entire distributed system.
It also supports multiple statistical analysis commonly found in statistical applications.
CRK helped obtain research funding and supported data collection and analysis.
The field-level version supports data collection, analysis, and "what if" analysis.
There are an infinite number of distances in addition to Euclidean that can support quantitative analysis.
It supports operations and analysis in the areas of Internet traffic exchange, routing economics, and global network development.
Of 192 countries, 39 have a health information system sufficient to support basic analysis of socioeconomic inequalities and health.