As with any renewable resource participants must follow practices that support sustainability.
Downsview Park is designed to support environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Scientific research and evidence play an important role in supporting the health and sustainability of marine and freshwater environments.
There is a need to support the ongoing functioning and sustainability of journals publishing research from Africa.
Twenty-five percent in-kind or cash match to support sustainability and investment in the project for the planning year is required.
Collectively, any activities that support sustainability, either by reducing harmful behaviors or by adopting helpful ones, can be called conservation behaviors.
Big Room is also promising to give a percentage of the money it makes from registrations to "an independent foundation that will support sustainability in developing countries".
Many congregations are heavily involved in projects and efforts aimed at supporting environmental causes and sustainability.
We should fully use the potential of all credible initiatives to support sustainability.
Therefore, we must put in place a regulatory framework which will support innovation and sustainability at the same time.