In addition to hopes of being associated with a winner, early financial supporters also often get the best seats at the Inauguration.
His supporters get plenty of entertainment but no real leadership.
But if supporters get their way in a meeting on Tuesday, they could soon be again.
"Even strong supporters of the new Russia have got some new doubts about the future," he said.
The supporters can probably get more than 50 votes for the bill, although getting the 60 needed to make it filibuster-proof will be hard.
"It's the oldest thing in the world, which is help your supporters get together locally and they will mobilize for you."
We idealistic supporters of public education and integration almost 30 years ago must have gotten something right.
But television is as close as Pakistani supporters can get to see their team play, a situation unlikely to change in the near future.
The president and his supporters got their way, but at great political cost.
The supporters of that theory should get their act together.