The next three chapters cover the areas of reaction kinetics, spectroscopy and organic reactions in more detail with examples taken from specific programs.
The size of the request generated grumbling among Democrats on Capitol Hill who said it would increase the deficit and take money from domestic programs.
But much of the money would be taken from other maternal and child health programs and from community health centers serving low-income people.
That will force Congress to take even more from programs like science, where there is no short-term payoff.
That has led state administrators to either take money from other educational programs or postpone paying their phone and Internet companies.
But Congress could take money from other programs or raise taxes in the next session to appropriate more for the bill.
The money will be taken mostly from other programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
"If 0-to-3 programs are taking money from other programs," Bruer said, "that's something to worry about."
Would you take money from other programs?
Faculty charged the spiraling cost of the Green Music Center is taking money from academic programs.