In four of these five incidents, the gunman targeted girls and women.
The men would target girls at train stations, on estates, and walking home from school.
For the last two years he's been using every social networking platform he can lay his hands on just to target girls, with surprising results.
The vaccine was added to the national immunization program in 2008, to target girls in the population aged 10.
The Wolfpack targeting different girls in the house.
Similar declines were not seen in older teens and young women, suggesting that targeting girls before they become sexually active is critical, Brotherton says.
During the Season 1, the products were targeted to children with toys, apparel, bicycle, cosmetics among others targeting mostly young girls.
This genre started in the late 19th century with the production of small, approximately 15 page long comics in magazines, targeting both boys and girls.
Traffickers also target Japanese women and girls for exploitation in pornography or prostitution.
For this reason, vaccination efforts target girls who are not yet sexually active.