As this task of musical preservation looms into view, the heyday of mambo recedes.
Not only are today's tasks still as onerous as ever but, looking over the horizon, further potential tasks loom ahead.
This was a fascinating discussion but would have to wait; their task was still looming immense ahead of them.
The task looms as a preservation problem equal in size to the conservation of nitrate film.
In a state still reeling from the investigation and resignation of former Gov. John G. Rowland, the task looms large.
The task ahead loomed large and daunting.
Not an easy task, however, because Christianity looms in the way, blocking every return route like a mountain on wheels.
Paradoxically, the task did not loom as large once we agreed to take mutual responsibility for our individual debts.
He was a technician, a man trained to apply his skills to whatever task loomed, solve its complications and move it to completion.
Tougher tasks loom, and the Jets are less than a quarter of the way through a long season.