Nagachika was also a tea master and an admirer of Sen no Rikyū.
Bowls are frequently named by their creators or owners, or by a tea master.
Their tea masters are mad with the competitive spirit.
This ware is thought to have been especially ordered by tea masters for Japanese ceremony.
Shingorō inherited his father's fabulous estate, and in time he too became known as a tea master.
"The first time was when I was at the tea master's house."
For these reasons, most tea masters will use a good clean local source of spring water.
The 1989 film, which is being shown in New York for the first time, uses flashbacks to tell the secret of a 16th-century tea master's hara-kiri.
He was also the 37th hereditary head of the Matsuura clan, and a noted tea master.
He is also a tea master and a special consultant to The Japan Times.