Worse, teachers will spend countless hours "socializing" instead of educating.
Without substantial parent involvement, how can we expect teachers to educate our children?
An extraordinarily gifted teacher, Janigro educated many cellists around the world.
In the Episcopal seminary, some 25 teachers educated 120 students, preparing for the priesthood.
I mean, these teachers have had to invest in their own education and are now educating the next generation, right?
The church, too, offers materials to help teachers educate students about the dangers of AIDS.
A proclaimed concern for client groups - doctors exist to serve their patients, teachers to educate their students.
His idea is that business should have a higher purpose-that, just as doctors heal and teachers educate, businesspeople should be after something besides money.
The teacher educates them about an elephant seal.
He vigorously campaigned to have all teachers educated at university, with the teacher training colleges providing professional training only after that.